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China sal hierdie dekade op 2029 die voorste ekonomie ter wêreld word, maar 2025 wel  binne  bereik  as gevolg van  Chinees  innovasie van die vierde industriële revolusie  tegnologie soos AI en 5G .  

Die ekonomiese transformasie van China is nog relatief aan die begin; teen 2050 sal dit ver wees  duidelik deur die BBP van  die VSA en Indië (tweede deur PPP) .  


Verstedeliking sal gelei word deur die gebiede Jing-jin-ji, Yangtze River Delta en Greater Bay Area, terwyl die landelike gebiede dit sal onderneem  'n buitengewone verandering van  digitalisering  en  infrastruktuur  konstruksie  met die  die aanklag word gelei deur Chengdu,  Wuhan, en Xi'an byvoorbeeld .  


1. AI

2.  Hommeltuie

3. Hernubare

4. Robotika

5. Ruimteprogram

6. Sport

7. 5G

Digital Provinces, Chinese Fourth Industrial Revolution

Understand the Chinese Fourth Industrial Revolution in each province and how to invest in the biggest 60 local companies (2,000 total nationally) in each technology of the future. 

Each province’s digital economy has been broken down into eleven Fourth Industrial Revolution technological sectors of AI, 5G, Blockchain, Electric/Autonomous Vehicles, Renewable Energy, Robotics, 3D Printing, Virtual/Augmented Reality, Drones, Smart Cities, and High-Speed Rail as well as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). 


Hebei for example is developing the world’s first AI city (Xiong’an New Area). 


Inner Mongolia has led domestic wind energy capacity installation since 2019. 


Guangxi had the largest electric vehicle city market (Liuzhou) in the world by 2021. 


Shanxi is pioneering up to 1,000 km/h high-speed rail. 


Tianjin’s AI investment was comparable to Europe’s entire AI investment ($23 billion) by 2020.


Tibet has the largest global solar reserves outside of the Sahara. 


Xinjiang had more installed renewable capacity than the UK or Japan by 2021. 

1. Heilongjiang

2. Inner Mongolia

3. Sichuan

4. Tibet

5. Xinjiang

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